No On Recall Canvass in Santa Monica with Ben Allen
Canvassing is back! And this time we don’t need to take any long bus trips to Bakersfield or Orange County. To make sure we defeat the Republican recall of Governor Newsom, we need to turn out the Democratic vote right here in Santa Monica!
We have put together a grassroots organizing project to make sure that all Santa Monica Democrats turn out for this election. Senator Ben Allen is on board and will join us on Saturday morning, but we need your help, too.
Here is our ask of you: Are you willing to knock on at least 30 Santa Monica doors in your own neighborhood, even on your own block, here in Santa Monica to get the word out about the recall election? 30 doors takes 1-2 hours to complete.
The Plan:
On Saturday, August 21, at 10:30am, we will host a canvass training at a private residence in Santa Monica. (If enough people want to attend in person, this will be outdoors.) We will go over the details of how to door-knock, what to say to the voters who are home, what literature to leave behind, and how to record the results. We will answer all of your questions.
Our special guest at this training will be Senator Ben Allen.
For those who do not want to attend the training in person, we will stream the training live to Zoom at the same time: Saturday, August 21, at 10:30am for those who do not want to attend the training in person. Your questions in the Zoom chat will also be answered during the training.
We also will make the training video available for later viewing if you are not available at that time.
Once you have completed the training session, we will give you a list of Democrats who live in your own neighborhood, within a few blocks of your home. We will also provide you with campaign materials to distribute to voters.
Right after the training, Senator Ben Allen will head out to his own home precinct to knock on his neighbors’ doors.
You can choose exactly when to knock on these doors to fit your schedule: right away after the training, later in the weekend, during the week, etc. We can link you up with another Club member, or you can go out on your own or with friends. We ask only that you complete your assignment within a week of receiving your list, and that you return the annotated list to us (either by fax, email, dropping it off to us or arranging for us to pick it up from you).
Sign Up:
If you are interested in joining this canvassing project to turn out the vote here in Santa Monica, sign up at this link:
If you have further questions, please call or text Mike Soloff (310-963-0337) or Jon Katz (215-962-4357).
Canvassing in Santa Monica is so easy, even a dog can do it.
(Pictured above: Sadie and her mom Rana)