Our Weekly Phonebank Is Now A Virtual Phonebank
While we remain Safer At Home, we can still be productive in our efforts to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. Please join us every Thursday, from 6:00 to 8:30pm via Zoom teleconference. Join us at 6:00pm for an introduction/training to virtual phonebanking, then we will all splinter off to do our calling, followed by a Virtual Happy Hour chat from 8:00pm-8:30pm back on the Zoom conference.
Katie the dog and Coco the cat have confirmed that they will be there and are hoping to see you, too! This Just In: One star phonebanker will win the gift of free delivery dinner each week!
Our Current Project:
CA25—The special election primary results are in, and Democrat Christy Smith will face off against Republican Mike Garcia in a special election on May 12. Due to the coronavirus threat, the election will now be held entirely by mail. We must now reach out to voters in the district to make sure they know about this special runoff in order to keep the seat in Democratic control.
We’re also calling for Mark Kelly in Arizona, getting Arizona Democrats to sign up for Permanent Vote By Mail, and reaching out to voters in CA21 to make sure they fill out their census.
Register for our Weekly Phonebank: https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/113911/