
April 29 Membership Meeting

We are pleased to announce that our April 29 meeting will proceed on schedule via the teleconferencing service, Zoom. You can download the free app here.
Never used Zoom before?? Click here for a great Zoom 101 tutorial from our friend, Marc Saltzberg, of the West LA Democratic Club.

Confirmed Guests:
Congressman Ted Lieu
Senator Ben Allen
CDP Chair Rusty Hicks
Santa Monica Mayor Kevin McKeown
LA County Medical Association President Sion Roy

SMDC President Jon Katz will deliver a presentation on the national Senate map and what our path to a Senate majority looks like.

And we announce our club’s new Legislative Committee.

Date:  April 29, 2020
Time:  6:30pm Doors, 7:00pm Program Start
Place: Zoom Conference Call
Video: https://zoom.us/j/281722044
Or Join By Phone: (669) 900-9128. 
When prompted, enter 281722044#

The Club will host its annual Executive Board elections at its April 29 meeting. The outgoing 2019 SMDC Executive Board voted to recommend the following candidates to constitute the 2020 SMDC Executive Board:

President – Jon Katz
VP Political Action – Domi Piturro
VP Membership – Michael Soloff
VP Programs – Janine Bush
VP Communications – Genise Schnitman
Treasurer – Ed Hunsaker
Recording Secretary – Amy Bishop Dunbar
At Large: Barbi Appelquist, Peter Bradley, Derek Devermont, Patricia Hoffman, Dolores Sloan