Meet The Candidates 2020

This year, we are committed to our most open and transparent endorsement process ever. We sent questionnaires to every Democratic candidate who will appear on the ballot. Below are the 20 candidate questionnaire responses we received, completely unedited except to remove contact info for some candidates. These are now the only candidates we will be considering for endorsement. #TheSantaMonica20

City Council (4 positions, 8 candidates)
Phil Brock
Gleam Davis

Oscar de la Torre
Mario Fonda-Bonardi
Ana Maria Jara
Terry O’Day
Christine Parra
Ted Winterer

City Council special election (1 position, 1 candidate)
Kristin McCowan

Rent Control Board (2 positions, 2 candidates)
Anastasia Foster
Caroline Torosis

School Board (3 positions, 5 candidates)
Keith Coleman
Jason Feldman
Jon Kean
Maria Leon-Vazquez
Jen Smith

College Board (3 positions, 4 candidates)
Susan Aminoff
Brian O’Neil
Brian O’Neil (revised response, submitted on 8/23 after interview)
Margaret Quinones-Perez
Rob Greenstein Rader

This Sunday, August 23, the SMDC Executive Board will meet with and interview each of these candidates. Recordings of these interviews will be made available on this page and sent to our membership.

The Club will meet via Zoom on September 9 and September 16 for candidate debates in each of these races, followed by our endorsement votes.

Review the blank candidate questionnaires here:
City Council Questionnaire
Rent Control Board Questionnaire
School Board Questionnaire
College Board Questionnaire