Meeting Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017 – Please join us!
Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Santa Monica Main Library – MLK Auditorium (first floor)
601 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica
The Santa Monica Democratic Club is proud to host State Senator Ben Allen, who represents the 26th senate district of California. Senator Allen will give us his report on the latest from Sacramento. How are California Democrats responding to the Trump Administration’s policies? What are the top legislative priorities for this session? What are the best ways that we as activists can support a progressive agenda in Sacramento? Come to our meeting to learn about these and other issues. Audience members will have a chance to ask questions of the senator, so start thinking now about what you want to ask!
Additionally, the club will hold our annual Executive Board Officer Elections and make an endorsement for Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Our executive board has recommended Keith Ellison for this position. Executive board recommendations for officer and at large positions are listed below.
New members must be a member for 30 days to vote. Club members from 2016 who have not paid for their 2017 membership may pay at the door or online at ActBlue and vote.
For first time and new members, the Executive Board of the club will be available from 6:30-7:00 for an informal meet and greet. Please come early and introduce yourself! The main program will start at 7:00pm.
For a term of one year, the Executive Board recommends the following people for election:
•Co-Presidents – Jon Katz and Sion Roy
•Vice President of Political Action – Barbie Appelquist
•Vice President of Membership – Tom Peters
•Vice President of Programs – Peter Bradley
•Vice President of Communication – Michael Soloff
•Treasurer – Derek Devermont
•Recording Secretary – Janine Bush
At large members (5 elected by membership):
•Harriet Beck
•Patricia Hoffman
•Genise Schnitman
•Rachel Sene
•Dolores Sloan
The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided. Parking available. Handicap accessible.