Candidates, Club, Club Vote, Legislative, National, Notice, State

March 29: Our Legislative Agenda

Please join us on March 29 for our next monthly Membership Meeting.

Date: March 29, 2023
Time:  6:30pm Doors, 7:00pm Program Start
Place: Zoom Conference Call

RSVP here:

At this meeting, we will hear from our Legislative Committee. Led by VP Isabel Storey, the Committee has been hard at work for the past few months determining a series of bills at the state and federal level that SMDC Membership will consider at this meeting for endorsement.

Here is a list of the bills we’ll be considering for endorsement at this meeting. All of these bills have been recommended by the Legislative Committee as well as our Executive Board:

Assembly Bills

AB 5 – Safe & Supportive Schools Program (Zbur)

AB 83 Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act (Lee, Kalra)

AB 93 – Criminal procedure: consensual searches (Bryan)

AB 259/ACA 3 State Wealth Tax (Lee)

AB 331 Artificial Intelligence (Bauer-Kahan)
SCR 17 Senate Concurrent Resolution – Relative to artificial intelligence (Dodd)

AB 610— Youth Transit Pilot Program (Holden)

AB 764 Elections: City and County Redistricting, Fair Maps (Bryan)

AB 793 Private: Reverse Demands (Bonta)

AB 1248 Local Redistricting: Independent and Redistricting Commissions (Bryan, Co-Author: Allen)

AB 1595/ACA 4 Elections: Eligibility to Vote (Bryan)

AB 1690 Universal Health Care Coverage (Kalra)

Senate Bills

SB 4 – Planning and zoning: housing development: higher education institutions and religious institutions (Weiner)

SB 466 Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act: rental rates (Wahab)

SB 665 Plastic waste: single-use plastics alternatives: working group (Allen)

US House Bills

HR 66 – House Resolution on Artificial Intelligence (Lieu)
NY Times Op-Ed by Lieu 

If approved, the Committee will continue to track and advocate on behalf of our Club’s legislative agenda for the rest of the two-year cycle. All of the authors listed above have been invited to speak to the Membership on March 29.

We will also hold our annual Executive Committee election to determine the Club leadership team for the next year. (List of candidates is below).

President: Jon Katz

Vice President Political Action: Daniel Hall

Vice President Membership: Michael Soloff

Vice President Programs: Melissa Goodman

Vice President Communications: Susan Sheu

Vice President Diversity & Inclusion: Rana Kirkland

Vice President Legislative: Isabel Storey

Treasurer: Keith Coleman

Recording Secretary: Natalya Zernitskaya

At Large Members: Derek Devermont, Patricia Hoffman, Dolores Sloan