Candidates, Club Vote, Local, Notice

2020 SM Candidate Interviews

On Sunday, August 23, as part of the Club’s biannual endorsement process, the SMDC Executive Board met with all 20 candidates who are seeking our endorsement for local office. We spent 20 minutes on Zoom with each candidate asking follow-up questions based on their submitted, written questionnaire. 

All of those interviews are now uploaded to the official SMDC YouTube page and available for your review. Please take time between now and September 9 to review these interviews so that you are best prepared for our endorsement votes.


City Council (4 positions, 8 candidates)
Ana Maria Jara
Christine Parra
Gleam Davis
Mario Fonda-Bonardi
Oscar de la Torre
Phil Brock
Ted Winterer
Terry O’Day

City Council special election (1 position, 1 candidate)
Kristin McCowan

Rent Control Board (2 positions, 2 candidates)
Anastasia Foster
Caroline Torosis

School Board (3 positions, 5 candidates)
Jason Feldman
Jennifer Smith
Jon Kean
Keith Coleman
Maria Leon-Vazquez

College Board (3 positions, 4 candidates)
Brian O’Neil
Margaret Quinones-Perez
Rob Greenstein Rader
Susan Aminoff

You can read all of the candidates’ written questionnaire responses here